The Banksters - A Crypto Art Collection

  • There is an underground movement
  • Based on the principles of moral law.
  • And founded with a strong faith in humanity.
  • It champions truth and fairness.
  • It asserts that the majority of humanity is inherently good.
  • And must be protected from a minority that is inherently bad.
  • It rejects all current implementations of government.
  • as well as the systems of law under which they govern.
  • Both of which, operate under the guise of implied morality...
  • But serve only to benefit a small group of bad actors.
  • The systems which govern us..
  • are built to transfer blame onto the most oppressed
  • and to divide, distract, and deprive the rest.
  • They operate by conditioning our beliefs.
  • We are taught that the big problems we all see
  • Are rooted in a defect of human nature.
  • That mankind has a fundamental selfishness
  • which far exceeds his desire or capacity for goodwill
  • It is the underlying message of all information we are fed.
  • And to focus on the best way to individually deal with it.
  • And even though it is not what we feel,
  • Even though it is not what we see around us,
  • So strong is the message forced upon us, we surrender to it.
  • Accepting that most societal problems
  • will never change.
  • That our best, and only path, is to focus on our own prosperity.
  • It the basis for a system which establishes moral resource ownership
  • And even though we all agree and see that there is a problem,
  • Nearly all societal issues....
  • Stem from a singular paradox
  • Good people are trusting and passive,
  • And unless they are protected,
  • Bad actors will exploit them.
  • Resource deprivation.
  • Resources are the things we need to live.
  • The fruits of the earth.
  • The earth we collectively share.
  • A place where all of our lives began.
  • A life we were given. Without our own input or work.

The Banksters is a crypto art collection. Created with the cypherpunk spirit and ethos. 

The cypherpunk ideology focuses on solving a fundamental problem that plagues humanity. Nearly all societal issues that we see and experience are caused by a singular problem. Bad actors are prone to controlling and oppressing honest participants through systems which rely on implied trust. Money, the universal system of transferring value, work, and resources, is a system that is fundamentally corrupted by Banks. Banks are immoral, untrustworthy, extractors of value. They exert their influence and power through a corrupted legal system. They steal resources and deprive those who add value to the system, trapping them in a state of dependence.

 Cypherpunk ideology follows moral law. It asserts that power belongs with the majority, and must remain in the hands of the majority, as the majority will always be the best determinant of what is best for the majority. It asserts that a small minority, when given power, will always become corrupted. Information sharing and peer assembly are the most effective ways to fight oppression and shift the power balance. Stifling information, preventing communication, and creating division with the intent on limiting organized assembly, has always been the primary focus of those with power. If people were to overcome their oppressors, they required tools designed to protect the sharing of information, and their ability to assemble. They needed systems of government and money that could operate without requiring the control of any minority group. 



Power belongs with the majority, not the minority.

  1. People must fight oppression by peer assembly to exercise that power.
  2. People must spread information and communicate with the intent on assembly. 
  3. People must use the systems to redistribute power to the majority.

Crypto protects. Art expresses and unifies. Crypto Art is about protecting that which we choose to express. is about unifying those of us who are in alignment.